November 19, 2007

Stop Sulking...Go Gather!

Starting a career in writing might just need a little nudge, a challenge or better still a passion. Today, online writing contests allow unpublished writers to showcase their talents in writing.

Recently, two aspiring romance novelists, one a 28-year-old doctorate student, the other a 56-year-old horse farmer, won the First Chapters Romance Writing Competition via the social media site and will have their books published next year by Simon & Schuster.

Gather held a contest for unpublished writers to post the first two chapters of their romance novels on the Web site and have site users and a panel of editors vote on which works were best.
Gather is a place for you to connect with people who share your passions. It's a place where you can contribute thought, art, commentary, or inspiration.

Grand prize winner Meredith McGuire, currently working on a social science Ph.D at the University of Chicago, received a $5,000 advance for her novel 'The Shadow's Kiss' and Runner-up Starr Toth, who raises horses in Ortonville, Michigan, received $3,500 for 'Trust Me.'

So if you are an aspiring writer and doubt that you might not get published, stop sulking and start your writing career with online writing contests.

You never know:-)

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