December 24, 2007

Annie Dillard Award for Creative Nonfiction

Writing Contests could be a great way of kick starting a career in writing. Personally, I have participated in some writing contests in the past, but given the fact that my writing career has passed what I'll call the 'puberty stage', I recently have directed my writing efforts on my novel, blogs and other writing activities.

Since I started this blog, I've posted a few writing contests for readers who might be interested in taking a go at writing fiction, non-fiction, poetry, short stories, etc View the posts here.

Thus, if you are interested in creative non-fiction, you might want to participate in the Annie Dillard Award for Creative Nonfiction here.

Annie Dillard is best known for her nature-themed writing. She has explored her past and present dealings with nature through poetry, essays and novels. Her best-known work, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek, has been described as a “book of theology.” While her more autobiographical book, An American Childhood, explores her early childhood years through nature. In 1975 she was awarded the Pulitzer for general non-fiction. Dillard continues to write and is now an adjunct professor of English and a writer-in-residence at Wesleyan University in Connecticut.

1 comment:

Josef Graf said...


You may want to put a link to this writing contest:

The Earth Vision Nature Writing Contest 2008

Also, you may want to put a link to the EV site, as a general resource.
Visit through the link below,
